Educational Links:
I have put together a collection of songs and read a-loud books about Pond Life.GO TO>> YOUTUBE PLAYLIST
Note: All books and songs are copyrighted by original owners. Youtube links change periodically. If you find a broken link please email me
Directions: To view the Notebook file choose: VIEW> Entire Page depending on your monitor’s resolution. It is recommended NOT to save the file once you have downloaded. This way the games do not have to be re-set.
Morning Message Each day of the week for five days. Let the students fill in the missing letters to complete the morning message. Also, each day has a question and answer session geared towards pond life and the life cycle of a frog.
Poems and Chants:”
“Five Speckled Frogs,” Author Unknown
“Have You Ever Seen A Lizard,” Author Unknown
“Poly-Wog,” Author Unknown
“Five Little Frogs,” Author Unknown
“I’m a Little Turtle,” Author Unknown

DOWNLOAD>> What Lives at The Pond? { SMARTboard Activities}
Vocabulary Words Pond Vocabulary and ~OG Word Family
Where is the frog?Students identify the number and then click the object. The students are looking for the hidden frog. Practice identifying numbers 1 to 22.
Sequence the Life Cycle of a Frog
Lives in a Pond / Does Not Live in a Pond Sort.
Letter B Sort Game that allows students to practice classifying objects that begin or do not begin with the /b/ sound.
Letter P Sort Game that allows students to practice classifying objects that begin or do not begin with the /p/ sound.
Rhyming Word Sort Game that allows students to practice classifying objects that rhyme with the word dog.
I Spy… The teacher says, “I spy something that begins with the /b/ sound? The students search through the pictures and find one that begins with the /b/ sound.
Beginning Letter Sounds Write the matching beginning letter sound in the box next to the picture.
How Many Syllables? Sort the pictures by 1, 2, 3, or 4 syllables.
Build a Word Use the letter tiles to build the word. Build a word uses both ~OG word family words.
Word Work ~OG word family
Check’s and X’s ~OG word family
Word Search ~OG word family
Beginning Letter
Size Sort ~OG word family
Which One Comes Next? Look at the pattern and finish the pattern.
How Many Frogs? Roll the die and count out the corresponding number of frogs and put them in the pond.
How Many In All?
Roll & Cover: Roll the dice and add the quantity. Then use the frog and cover the matching numeral.
Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards:
Approaches to Play
APL2.4a Demonstrates eagerness to learn about and discuss new topics, ideas and tasks.
APL1.4a Takes initiative to learn new concepts and try new experiences. Initiates and completes new tasks by himself/herself.
Language and Literacy
CLL1.4a Listens and responds on topic to conversations and group discussions for an extended period.
CLL1.4b Listens to and follows multi-step directions.
CLL1.4c Extends/expands thoughts or ideas expressed.
CLL6.4c Isolates the initial (beginning) sounds in words with adult guidance.
CLL7.4a With prompting and support, recognizes and names some upper/lowercase letters of the alphabet.
CD-MA4.4b Sorts and classifies objects using one or more attributes or relationships.
CD-MA4.4c Creates and extends simple, repeating patterns.
CD-MA2.4b Counts at least 10 objects using one-to-one correspondence.
Cognitive Process
CD-CP3.4b Uses both familiar and new strategies to solve a problem.
CD-CP3.4c With adult guidance and questioning determines and evaluates solutions prior to attempting to solve a problem.
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