Friday, June 28, 2019

Interactive 120 Chart

The Interactive 120 Chart is perfect for whole or small groups math centers. I placed the numeral cards in (3) large pocket charts for the students to manipulate. The students frequently used it as a tool to count backwards, forwards, one more, one, less, ten more, ten less, and other math strategies. After much practice, the students matched the numeral and number word, place value blocks, put the numbers in order from smallest to largest, and many more activities.

What’s Included:
  • Packet Chart Label
  • Numeral Cards 0 to 120
  • Number Words 0 to 120
  • Base Ten Blocks

Open in ADOBE ACROBAT.  Print on card stock and laminate for durability.

Download from my Teacher Pay Teachers Store. >> Interactive 120 Chart (Dr. Seuss Inspired)