Showing posts with label Literacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Literacy. Show all posts

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Little Miss Muffet Phonological Activities {Printable & SMARTboard Activities} Educational Links:
I have put together a collection of songs and read a-loud books about Little Miss Muffet.

DOWNLOAD>> Little Miss Muffet Phonological Activities {Printable & SMARTboard Activities}

Directions: Directions: To view the Notebook file choose: VIEW> Entire Page depending on your monitor’s resolution. It is recommended NOT to save the file once you have downloaded. This way the games do not have to be re-set.

Printable Activities:

Little Miss Muffet Large Poster (20”x22”)
Sentence Strips (Sequence the sentences in the nursery rhyme.)
(20) Sort Rhyming Cards with Pictures (Words that rhyme with PLAY.)
Acting Out Cards (Print enough copies to give one card to each student. When they hear their part in the story they hold up their card.)
Parking Lot Rhymes (Students match the rhyming word on the vehicle to a parking spot.)
Thumbs Up & Thumbs Down (Students use the rhyming mats and printable cards. They look at the two pictures and decide if they rhyme. If they do they place the rhyming cards on the thumbs up. If they do not rhyme they place the cards on the thumbs down mat.)
Journal Page (Black and white journal page where student practice concepts about print. Students also illustrate the poem.)

SMARTBoard Activities:

Little Miss Muffet Nursery Rhyme
Little Miss Muffet Nursery Rhyme (Fill in the Missing Rhyme)
Story Order (Put the sentences in sequential order.)
Story Elements
Sound Detector (Click on the letter and listen to the sound. Then look at the pictures and say each one. Find the beginning sound that does not belong and put an X on it.)
Mystery Word (Teachers says each sound of the word and the students blend the sounds and say the mystery word.)
Deleting Sounds (Teachers reads each sentence and the students delete the sounds.)
How Many Sounds (Students listen to each word and moves a token into a box for each sound they hear.)
How Many Words (Students will listen to each sentence and hop for each word of the sentence. The teacher then will reveal the sentence and the students will count the words to see if they were correct.)
Letter Search (Students will find and highlight the upper/lowercase letter Mm.)
Sound Sort (Students will sort pictures that begin with the /m/ sound like in mom.) To re-set the self- checking game: Click on ACTIVITY BUILDER>RESET ALL. This resets the game pieces to their original location.
Build a Word
Find & Graph
Seek a Word
Word Search (All words are one per line and go across.)
Rhyming World (Board game for 2-4 players. Students spin the spinner and count the corresponding number of squares. They have to provide a matching rhyming word for the picture they landed on. If they cannot they must go back to their original spot. First person to the end wins.)
Sort the Rhyme (Students say each picture and decide if it rhymes with “PLAY” or not.) To re-set the self- checking game: Click on ACTIVITY BUILDER>RESET ALL. This resets the game pieces to their original location.
Missing Letter (Students write the missing letter in the word.)
Checks & X’s (Students check each picture that rhymes with PLAY and an X on words that do not.)
Odd One Out (Put an X on the picture that does not rhyme.)
Parking Lot Rhymes (Divide students into two teams. Players take turns parking the vehicle on a matching rhyme. If the player matches correctly the team gets one point, if not it is the second team’s turn. Continue playing until all of the vehicles have been parked.)
Balloon Pop (Students Identify the word and pop the balloon to see if they are correct.
Spin & Disappear (Dived the students into two teams. Students spin the spinner and identify the picture. Then the students look for the matching word and click on it to make it disappear. If the student gets it right their team gets a point. If they do not it is the other team’s turn.)
Race to the Top (Take turns identifying the words. If you get it right move it to your column. First person to the top wins. 2-5 players)
French Fry Rhyming (Teams take turns drawing a rhyming card. If they give a matching rhyme their team gets a fry. If not, the other team gets a try. The team with the most fries win.)
Swat the Word (Use a fly swat or your hand to reveal the word. Say the word and earn a point.)
How many letters? (Students use the flashcards and count how many letters are in each word. Then they drag them to the correct column.)

Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS): 

Language and Literacy
CLL6.4a Listens and differentiates between sounds that are the same and different.
CLL6.4b Identifies and produces rhyming words.
CLL6.4c Isolates the initial (beginning) sounds in words with adult guidance.
CLL6.4d Segments sentences into individual words.
CLL6.4e Segments words into syllables.
CLL6.4f Manipulates and blends sounds (phonemes) with adult guidance.
CLL7.4a With prompting and support, recognizes and names some upper/lowercase letters of the alphabet.

If you have any suggestions and/or comments to make this learning packet better, please feel free to email me at:

If you find a mistake or typo in the packet, please email me so I can fix the error and send you a revised packet.

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Sunday, October 18, 2015

All About Fall

It is really hard to believe that we are starting our 10th week of school. This week is a short week because of our Fall Break (Yeah)! So, we are going to be studying Fall and the changes that we are beginning to see. We are also concentrating on fine motor skills in the form of puzzles, writing, and painting. Since my class has a wide range of abilities, I am taking advantage of this short week to re-teach skills students have not mastered yet. This week I have three small groups, and yes I am grouping the students by ability. The individual groups will be working on the following skills: copying and repeating an AB pattern using leaf die cuts. Constructing a leaf tree where they are practicing fine motor skills by cutting out the tree and crumpling up color tissue for the leaves. They are also practicing counting out objects up to ten. Finally combing sets by using a roll and cover mat and dice.

Below is a link to our fall theme lesson plans for the week. The lesson plans include the following types of activities: Morning Message with activity, Large Group Literacy, Phonemic Awareness, Small Group, two planned story times, and a closing activity. The standards are based on Bright From the Start GELDS.

DOWNLOAD>> All About Fall Five Day Lesson Plans

Classroom Activities:

Students will be involved in a variety of activities to promote language and literacy skills, mathematical reasoning, exploration, and fine motor control. Some of our center activities will include the following:

  • Art - Leaf paintings using a variety of methods such as q-tip painting, brushes, and marble.
  • Sensory Table - Students will explore picked cotton. Students will have to "pick" the letters using tweezers and place them in sorting cups.
  • Writing Center - Students will practice copying fall vocabulary words and creating their on Fall Stories.
  • Library - Students will read and listen to books about the Fall. They can also practice their writing skills by using Magna Doodle Boards.
  • Math - Students will practice counting, sorting, and classifying objects.
  • Science - Students will explore ornamental pumpkins, pine cones, and squash using magnifying glasses. The students can sort objects based on how they feel: bumpy, smooth, rough, hard, etc.
  • Dramatic Play - Students will practice socio-dramatic play. BUT check back next week as the dramatic play center is transformed into a pumpkin patch! 

The students practiced copying and extending a pattern during small teacher led group. 

After reading the book, Rosie's Walk, the students answered the drawing prompt: If you could go for a walk anywhere, where would you like to go?

This is our sensory box for the students to explore fall themed items from nature. The fall box contains the following real and found items: picked cotton, dried guards, pine cones, dried beans, and corn husks. The only item in the fall box that is not real are the leaves. I purchased the leaves from The Dollar Tree. Educational Links:
I have put together a collection of songs and read alouds about Fall both fiction and non-fiction.

CLICK HERE>> Fall Theme Pre-K

Songs and Poems:

The Leaves are Falling Down   
(Sung to: "Farmer in the Dell")

The leaves are falling down
The leaves are falling down
Red, yellow, green, and brown
The leaves are falling down
~ Original Author Unknown

(Sung to: "Teddy Bear, Teddy bear turn around")

Scarecrow, Scarecrow, turn around.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, jump up and down
Scarecrow, scarecrow, arms up high
Scarecrow, Scarecrow, wink one eye
Scarecrow, scarecrow, bend your knee
Scarecrow, scarecrow, flap in the breeze
Scarecrow, scarecrow, climb into bed
Scarecrow, scarecrow, rest your head
~ Original Author Unknown

Five Leaves
Five little leaves so bright and gay,
We’re dancing about on a tree one day.
The wind came blowing through the town,
And one little leaf came tumbling down.
[Continue with 4 leaves, then 3, 2, & 1.]
~ Original Author Unknown

Five Red Leaves
Five red leaves, five and no more (Hold up 5 fingers)
The caterpillar ate one, now there are four (Thumb down)
Four red leaves, that's easy to see.
Along came a rainstorm, now there are three. (Index down)
Three red leaves, nothing much to do.
A big wind blew, now two! (Middle down)
Two red leaves, that's not much fun.
I glued one on my paper (Ring down)
Now there is one. (Hold up pinky)
Hang on, pretty red leaf! Your branches won't break.
You're one less leaf for me to rake!
~ Original Author Unknown

Leaves are Falling   
(Sung to: "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star")

Leaves are falling round the town
Watch them fall right on the ground
Autumn's coming, it is true
Then comes winter just for you
Leaves are falling round the town
Falling, falling all around.
~ Original Author Unknown

Credits: The Doodle Oven

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Alphabet Cards {Superhero Theme}

Alphabet Cards {Superhero Theme}

The PERFECT addition to go along with a Superhero Classroom Theme. There are 26 Alphabet Cards with a superhero character for each letter of the alphabet with the exception of the letters X and Y. Finished size measures approximately 5.25”W x 8”H.
DOWNLOAD>>  Alphabet Cards {Superhero Theme}

Directions: Print on card stock, trim along the image black border, and laminate for durability.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Rain, Rain GO AWAY!
Alapaha River on HWY 122

Lately it has been raining cats and dogs for the last two weeks. The Alapaha River is out of its banks and my yard looks part lake, part jungle because the grass is so high. So why not add some rainy day activities you can use at home or in the classroom.

Language Activity

To develop language skills practice this rain poem:

Rain on the green grass
And rain on trees.
Rain on the rooftops,
But not on me!

Science Activity

Rain Gauge
Use an empty can or jar to make a rain gauge. Place the container outside to measure the rainfall. Have the rain have your child investigate how full the container is. Use words like more, less, about, estimate to build vocabulary. Also, as an extension activity have your child draw a picture to how much rain is in the rain gauge. This will develop scientific observation skills.

Art Activity

Eyedropper Painting
Materials: Assorted plastic medicine droppers for safety, and food coloring, plastic cups, white construction paper

Directions: Fill the plastic cups half way with water and add a few drops of food coloring to each cup. Let you child practice fine motor skills by using the plastic medicine dropper to get the watercolors. Then encourage your child to hold the plastic medicine dropper above the paper, then release the color creating a colored “rain” drop. REMEMBER it is the creative process and not the end product that contains. To promote language skills ask your little one to describe his/her painting to you. Then you can write his/her words directly onto their artwork and display.

Cooking Activity

Rainbow Fruit Parfait
  • red = strawberries 
  • orange = oranges 
  • yellow = bananas 
  • green = kiwi 
  • blue = blueberries 
  • indigo = blackberries 
  • purple = grapes 
  • vanilla yogurt, granola bar
Directions: Cut up each of the fruits above, layer each fruit with vanilla yogurt in a cup and crumble up a granola bar on top. Chill for about 30 min. Then enjoy!


Little Raindrop
This is the sun, high up in the sky, (hold hands in circle above head)
A dark cloud suddenly comes sailing by, (slide hands to side)
These are the raindrops, (make raining motion with fingers)
Pitter, patter down,
Watering the flowers, (pouring motion)
Growing on the ground. (pat the ground)

Boom, bang, boom bang! (clap hands)
Rumpety, lumpety, bump! (stomp feet)
Zoom, zam, zoom, zam! (swish hands together)
Rustles and bustles (pat thighs)
And swishes and zings! (pat thighs)
What wonderful noises
A thunderstorm brings.


Rainbow Matching
Materials: Assorted fabrics matching the colors in the rainbow.
Directions: Cut the assorted fabric in 2 inch, 4 inch, and 6 inches squares. Have the children sort the fabric into groups by colors, textures, and size. Differentiation: For children having difficulty in sorting by colors, provide a corresponding colored paper cup or bowl for the children to use. The children can match the fabric to the container.

Gross Motor

Worm Wiggles
The purpose of this game is to move like a worm. Show you child how to lie on the floor and move their body forward without using their hands or elbows. This game will surly get a giggle or to and hopefully burn some energy off as well.

Amazon Book List

Rain or Shine: All About the Weather

Rain or Shine: All About the Weather

Let It Rain by Maryann Cocca-Leffler

Let It Rain by Maryann Cocca-Leffler

Maisy'sWonderful Weather Book
Maisy's Wonderful Weather Book

Whether it's snowy, rainy, or sunny, readers can explore the natural world with Maisy and find out how wonderful weather can be!

What's the weather, Maisy? It's sunny — hooray! It's windy — hooray! It's raining — hooray, hooray! Whatever the weather, Maisy knows how to make the best of the day. Little fans will be proud to help with the forecast by pulling the tabs and turning the wheels to make the rain come down, the snow fall, the lightning flash, and even a rainbow appear!

Splish!Splash!: A Book About Rain

Splish!Splash!: A Book About Rain

The Rain Came Down

The Rain Came Down

What Will the Weather Be? (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)

What Will the Weather Be? (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)
