Showing posts with label Template. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Template. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2013

Blog Overhaul

I have worked pretty much the entire day and into the wee hours of the morning giving my blog a much needed overhaul. My son has come in the room several times to say enough is enough. Yet, I'm the type that has to get the creative idea out of my head and in to production. If not, then I lay awake tossing and turning.

I decided to take on the challenge of overhauling my entire blog because, I wanted a more polished theme that went with both my personality and my blog topic. So, like everyone else I ‘Googled it’ to find a FREE blogger template that was just right. A blogger template that was not too small, nor too big, but the perfect one. I found one that I like as you can see. With some minor tweaking I am pleasantly pleased with the outcome. The only thing I wish I could change is the columns’ width. I have so much information that I needed three columns, but the drawback is the width of the actual "post" column. I'll keep tweaking with the code until I find the perfect match.

Take a look at the changes and use the comment box to let me know how you feel, good or bad!